Handicap parking: Is available on both the west side (along Olinda Trail) and south side of the church (off-street parking).
Accessible doors: Elim's two main entrances have accessible doors with pushbutton operation.
Elevators: Elim has two elevators. The Sanctuary elevator is located next to the west side entrance. It will take guests up to the sanctuary level. The second elevator is located near the south side of the building. If one enters via the south side, just past the staircase is the elevator. On the main level, it opens onto the portico area near the Fellowship Hall.
Bathrooms: Unfortunately, none of our bathroom entrances have mechanical openers. However, the bathrooms nearest the Fellowship Hall and in the lower lever educational wing have broader openings for easier wheelchair mobility as well as wheelchair accessible stalls.
Accessible doors: Elim's two main entrances have accessible doors with pushbutton operation.
Elevators: Elim has two elevators. The Sanctuary elevator is located next to the west side entrance. It will take guests up to the sanctuary level. The second elevator is located near the south side of the building. If one enters via the south side, just past the staircase is the elevator. On the main level, it opens onto the portico area near the Fellowship Hall.
- Hearing Assistance: Devices are available from the ushers.
- Communion access: As you face the altar, to the left side behind the pulpit is a ramp that provides access to the communion rail without stairs. If you are not able to access the communion rail, but wish to receive communion, please let an usher know and communion will be brought to you.
- Communion elements: Both wine and grape juice are available. We haven't yet incorporated a best practice for gluten free bread; you are welcome to bring your own.
Bathrooms: Unfortunately, none of our bathroom entrances have mechanical openers. However, the bathrooms nearest the Fellowship Hall and in the lower lever educational wing have broader openings for easier wheelchair mobility as well as wheelchair accessible stalls.