Council Officers
- Represents the congregation and its council in a general overview of the life and activities of Elim Lutheran Church. The president is elected by the council to serve a one year term. May not serve more than two consecutive terms.
- Presides and maintains order at all congregational, council, executive, or special meetings of the church.
- Publishes the agenda for all called meetings and be sure all members receive notification of said meetings.
- Is informed on all council communications whenever possible.
- Calls and oversees annual pastor and staff evaluations with executive committee.
- Has a thorough understanding of the constitution, by-laws, standing rules of Elim, and a working knowledge of parliamentary law and procedures (Roberts Rules of Order).
- Meets frequently and converse often with the pastor(s) in establishing role as president.
- Signs official documents of the church.
- Supports the president and represents him/her at meetings she/he cannot attend.
- Convenes the nomination committee to help find suitable replacements for various council and board positions.
- Maintains a complete and accurate record of official meetings held by the Elim council, the executive committee, and congregational meetings.
- Records the minutes for the monthly council meetings, the periodic executive committee meetings (3-4 per year as needed), and the congregational annual meeting part 1 & 2 held in October and January.
- Assist the council president in preparing the upcoming meeting agenda by providing a draft of the meeting minutes two weeks prior to the upcoming meeting.
- Provides the types or handwritten minutes to the church secretary in sufficient time for the them to be prepared for mailing to council members. Ideally the minutes should be available to the church office as a soon as possible after the council.
- Participates in executive committee meetings.
- Arranges for a back up secretary in the event of a meeting conflict.
- Signs cemetery deeds and other official documents as needed.
- Facilitates communication between council and the financial secretary and church treasurer.
- Meets with the financial secretary and church treasurer in advance of council meetings.
- Communicates any council requests to financial secretary and church treasurer.
- Signs legal documents when an elected treasurer's signature is required.