Elim Lutheran Church Foundation
Foundation FAQs
What is the purpose of the Elim Lutheran Church Foundation?
Desiring the need for an ongoing program of stewardship that reaches out, beyond the doors of Elim Lutheran Church. The congregation established the foundation in January 1997. Its purpose is to receive and invest gifts and bequests for the growth and advancement of God’s Kingdom. Gifts will be used exclusively for religious, charitable and educational endeavors independent of Elim Lutheran Church. Carrying out the object of propagating faith in Jesus Christ, domestically and abroad. 5% of the foundation assets are donated annually. How is the fund governed and managed? The endowment fund is owned by the members of Elim and managed by a board of elected directors who support the foundation financially. Your input is important in determining on how the board will direct the use of the contribution. How Can I Contribute? Contributions can be made in cash, stocks, bonds, insurance, and other securities: or in your will as a bequest or trust. Your contribution provides for an opportunity for stewardship, personal fulfillment and declaring your values to family and others whom you can positively influence. Contributions are tax deductible and may provide other tax benefits. Directions for donating stock can be found here: Board Members
Lynne Moratzka, President Rick Sandager, Vice President Tracey Thomas, Secretary Greg Isaacson, Treasurer Chris Drummond, Director David Olson, Director |
2021 Scandia Taco Daze Parade!
Interested in nominating an organization? Please download the application for additional information.
Application deadline: October 1, 2025 Grants Distributed: January 2026 ![]()
Interested in an education fund scholarship? This is for students who are members of Elim attending a Christian collage or a trade school. Download the form below.
Foundation Email: [email protected]
Want to know more about those receiving these grants? |