What is a designated fund? There are currently 5 designated funds. These funds have specific purposes for ministry. They help demonstrate that each of us can make a difference by having a dream and a plan that helps shape the future.
1. The Megan Detzler fund - This gift to the Foundation was designated to be used for christian youth activities. The fund was established in 1998 from a donation by Wyman and Joan Detzler in memory of their daughter, Megan. She was a very active, charismatic teenager in youth activities. The fund was a gift to the Foundation in her memory to youth who celebrate the love of Jesus as they grow to become servants to Christ. Currently 5% of this fund is gifted each year. If you share the same passion for youth as the Detzlers, consider contributing to this fund.
2. Go Make Disciples Fund - This fund helps teach better agricultural practices to farmers in the third world countries. It was created by retired agriculture teacher Lee Sandager and his family. Taking the directive "Go, make disciples of all nations!" seriously, and realizing that actions speak louder than words as a way to make disciples of Christ, this fund helps teach better agricultural practices to farmers in third world countries. Lee received his B.S. and Master's degree in Agricultural Education at the University of MN. He spent 30 years teaching agriculture in Forest Lake and developed an outstanding FFA program. He also led a teacher training program in Kenya, East Africa. If you share the same passion as the Sandager family for Agricultural education, please consider contributing to this fund.
3. Miller Fund - This fund was established stipulating it be used for Christian education. The fund was established by the Reuben Miller estate. He was a long time resident and farmer of Scandia, MN. He was of strong faith and before his passing, wanted to establish a fund to be used for Christian education. The fund helps Elim members who are attending Lutheran seminaries. Elim members attending Lutheran colleges are also eligible and should apply.
4. The Elim 150th Anniversary Fund - Gifts from the fund are designated to support Christian ministries helping new immigrants to America. The fund was established in 2004 in celebration of Elim's 150th Anniversary. The Elim Foundation solicited gifts from congregation members in honor of their immigrant ancestors to establish the fund. Memorials and honorariums are welcome and continue to be added to the fund.
5. Tools for the Future - This fund was established to provide annual scholarships for students seeking vocational/technical education. The fund was started by the Moratzka family to underscore each person's vocational gifts and the importance of skilled workers. Both Lynne and Jim's families were dedicated to vocational skills and training. Martin Luther strongly upheld the honor of developing one's gifts to the fullest and adding to society. The fund accepts donations to grow.