Living Cemetery Tour 2015 In 2014, Dustyn Dubuque (the Washington County Historical Soceity summer manager of the Hay Lake School) approached the Gammelgården and cemetery committee with a suggestion to try creating a "living cemetery tour." at Elim. He had participated in several in Menomonie Wi. The idea sounded interesting and we decided to try it that year. After an enormous amount of work, on October 11th, 2015 we had over 200 people take the tour and meet some of the saints buried in our cemetery. They told about their lives, events in the church or tragedies that occurred over Elim's first 150 years. The living cemetery tour on the 11th of October was a huge success. It was a wonderful experience for young and old. Carol Seefeldt was out mingling with the tours and took these pictures. Forest Lake Public Access TV filmed the day and produced an excellent DVD of the actor's portrayal.