This page is intended to provide a means for all Builders to post questions and receive answers. Answers will be shared on this page and viewable by all Builders.
Do proposals have to meet the exact specification provided in the RFP?
No, Elim is open to other options as each builder may deem suitable.
Does Elim require submissions for all 4 RFP options?
No, Elim is open to accepting any proposals as each builder sees fit. Some builders may find rebuilding the current instrument to be the best option while others may propose a new instrument. If a builder wishes to provide proposals for all 4 RFP options that is also most welcome.
We have not had an opportunity to perform a site visit to review Elim’s space. Can we submit a proposal which includes a caveat that price is subject to change based on certain variables?
Yes. Please outline which variables may change and, to the best extent possible, a range in which each variable may increase or reduce cost.
Is a floor plan available showing space for the organ? Do you have any sketches, dimensions or drawings of the organ space as it is currently arranged?
Here are two files: The first is an initial sketch drawn late last summer, and the second is a follow-up with more reliable dimensions of the swell chamber (the choir is symmetrical, on the right-hand side):
Does the organ feature a humidification system, or is there a humidification system nearby or in the room?
There is no humidification system in the church. Our heating system is run off of boilers and hot water heat, and any air movement is either natural or via ceiling fans. We currently have no air conditioning, so it gets quite toasty in the summertime. I realize this can wreak havoc on a pipe organ but unfortunately I do not believe the church has any solutions on the horizon.
Our shop is booked for 2+ years and installation may not take place for 4-5+ years. Is this timeframe out of the question?
Elim would prefer to move more quickly than this, however the organ is not in immediate threat of failure. Timeframe would also depend on total budget estimate and the church’s ability to provide funding, as well as working with the successful builder to develop a complete project plan and time frame.
What is the church’s total budget for the organ project?
Elim does not have a firm number, preferring to review all options to determine the best plan independent of budgetary concerns. Once this plan is identified Elim can better determine a budget.
A rough ballpark figure for rebuilding a 70-rank organ in 2027 is approximately $2.9 million. Is this within the church's anticipated range?
Elim does not anticipate spending $2.9 million, and we have proposals in-hand for this RFP option whose anticipated project cost is considerably less. That said, Elim will consider and evaluate all 4 RFP options, of which only one contemplates a 70-rank instrument.
A note on acoustic consultants: Elim has discussed the potential to involve the use of acoustical consultant(s) to aid in improving the organ’s sound in the room as well as overall sound improvement. If this has not yet been discussed with us, we welcome any opinions on the matter.