It's been a strange summer with Covid floating about. We've had a couple burials, often private affairs with no funeral or life celebration in church. Please keep the grieving families in your thoughts and prayers as many are waiting to gather and share stories of their loved ones. On Sunday, Sept. 13th after church we gathered to carry out various service projects for the nation-wide ELCA, "God's Hands Our Work." We had about 12 people join the crew working on trimming monuments in the cemetery that were overgrown with grass. We worked on the first couple of rows of monuments in the SW quadrant of the North Cemetery. In a little over 2 hours we trimmed and cleaned up over 42 monuments. Several members of the crew even leveled the cement bench at the top of the south stairs. As we were trimming out the flat monuments, we even found two that were COMPLETELY hidden by the grass. Probably too 30+ years to get like that. One final thing... In the North Cemetery we have several graves (at least 10) with a square cement block next to the monuments. It has a P S stamped in the cement (see the picture in the slide show below). Does anyone know what these are for? Send me an email if you have any thoughts! I'd like to thank these volunteers who helped with the work.
Scott Walcker
Cemetery Committee Chair Archives
September 2022
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